«Welder» Russia 2015 №06
News of technique and technologies 4
Technologies and materials
- Electron-beam technologies in welding production. G. I. Lashenko 6
Technologies and materials
- Welding of heat-resistant plastics. Ultrasonic welding. M. V. Iurzhenko, N. G. Korab, V. L. Demchenko, V. V. Anistratenko, S. M. Dyachenko 10
- Deposition of coverings based on composite powder materials by plasma spraying. E. K. Fen’ 12
Our consultations 14
Production experience
- Repair of shell regenerator R-202. V. D. Poznyakov, A. V. Klapatyuk, A. A. Maksimenko, A. M. Gerasimenko, E. A. Davydov 16
- New promising directions in the production of rail transport for social purposes. A. N. Motorin, V. A. Doroshenko, V. V. Maslov 21
- Recovery technology of the necks of cast iron rolls of the pure mill stand 1700 at PJSC «MMK im. Ilyicha». Yu. V. Demchenko, S. V. Krylov, O. V. Korobka 24
- Mechanized flame cutting of cast iron waste in the field. V. M. Litvinov, Yu.N. Lysenko, S. A. Chumak, V. A. Belinskiy, A. I. Korovchenko 26
Economic of welding production
- Technical and economic aspects of application of electron beam welding. А. А. Маzur, О. К. Makovetskaya 29
- Economical and statistical review of world and regional markets of titanium. S. V. Pustovoit, S. V. Ahonin, V. S. Petruk, N. S. Brovchenko 31
- Calendar of exhibitions on 2016 38