«Welder» Magazine 2007 №02
News of technique and technologies...3
Industrial experience
- Application of technology of electroslag cladding by a melting electrode during manufactur of composite bar rolld. S.G. Krasilnikov, V.P.Gulida, I.S.Savchenko, S.N.Litvinenko...6
- Volumetric heat of reactor treatment by a way of internal heating in conditions of reconstruction of working manufacture. V.A.Babkin, A.I.Lavrov, P.B.Lovyrev, M.N.Truhan, O.G.Phinogentov, N.V.Korablev, P.M.Korol'kov...8
- Manufacturing of cartridges землесосов with application of cladding by a powder wire. V.A.Voytenko, A.V.Hil'ko...9
Our consultations...10
Technologies and equipment
- Electrodes ANO-102 for shipbuilding and ship repair. I.K.Pokhodnya, I.P.Yavdoshchin, O.I.Folbort...12
- Development of technology and equipment for deposition composite powder coverings of special assignment. E.R.Galimov, E.E.Tukbayev, E.V.Zverev, S.A.Vorontsov, A.A.Karimov, N.Ya.Galimova...15
- Perfection of technology of resistance welding of pipes from high-strength pig-iron with spherical graphite. A.B.Kashkarov, V.V.Veter, A.A.Babanov...18
- Cleaning of a surface of welded joints. A. A. Kaydalov...20
- Ultrasonic welding of metals yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yu.V.Holopov, V.V.Bashenko...26
- Research of an opportunity of realization acoustic emission diagnostics of strength reliability of the combined cylinders. M.B.Mileshkin, I.V.Biblik, G.I.Mamin.30
- Plasma arc technology of obtaining of new ecologically pure fuel for a vehicle. S.V.Petrov, V.N.Korzhik, G.S.Marinskiy, A.V.Verbovskiy...32
- Laser cladding by metal powders. Frantisek Kolenic, Peter Blazicek, Miroslav Kosecek... 35
The foreign colleagues
- Magazine ZVARAC...40
Labor protection
- Minimization of emanation of deleterious substances at the mechanized welding in protective gases. O.G. Levchenko...42
Certification and quality
- The international system of certification «PatonSepro». L.M. Lobanov, N.P.Protsenko...46
Calendar of exhibitions on 2007... 49
How to prepare article for the publication...50
The questionnaire... 51