«Welder» Magazine 2012 №01

News of technique and technologies...4

Technologies and equipment

  • Installation yfl682 for automatic TIG welding of sheet bodies in a narrow gap with magnetic management of an arch. V.V.Stesin, V.S.Roman'uk, A.V.Semenenko, S.I.Velikiy, A.K.Polishchuk, V.Yu.Belous... 6
  • Methods of activization of the decision of creative engineering tasks. G.I.Lashchenko...8
  • The multielectrode machine for contact welding armature grids with smooth regulation of a step of a cell. P.D.Fedorov, S.B.Binetskiy, V.N.Tolyarenko, V.V. Nikiforov...12
  • Electrolit-plasma processing of worn surfaces of bearings of sliding. Yu.Turin, O.V.Kolisnichenko...18

Our consultations...26

Practical work of the welder

  • Modes are sharp of stainless steels, colour metals and their alloys. G.I.Lashchenko...28
  • Technology of the mechanized welding of pipes. S.T.Rimskiy...31

The foreign colleagues...36

Labour protection

  • Optical radiation at welding and related processes. Part 1. O.G.Levchenko, A.T.Malakhov...38

Certification and quality

  • The manufacturers of welding materials having the certificate of conformity in system UkrSEPRO given by NTC «SEPROZ» (on 01.01.2012)...44

Exhibitions and conferences

  • Calendar of exhibitions on 2012...48
  • X International Industrial Forum...52

Pages of a history

  • Difficult way of easy metal in rocket building. Contact welding. A.N.Kornienko...54

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