2017 №06 №06 2017 The phenomenon of thermal impact in the production of massive structures of complex shape Automation of welding of non-rotating joints of pipelines And more Load PDF Content №05 №05 2017 Defects in the weld metal, their origin and measures to combat them. Cracks Out-of-furnace methods of action on stress-strain state of the metal of massive welded structures of complex shape And more Load PDF Content №04 №04 2017 Welding of metals and alloys by friction. Features of the welded joint formation at friction stir welding Resistance to slowed destruction of welded joints in repair welding of cast structures from high-strength carbon steels And more Load PDF Content №03 №03 2017 The effect of high temperature heating on mechanical properties and structure of the metal of ZTV (TZI) of S355J2 and S460M steels Causes of local damages of welded joints of pipelines of NPP (nuclear power plant) And more Load PDF Content №02 №02 2017 Features of repair welding of massive structures heavy loaded equipment The Ukrainian market of welding electrodes: status and development trends And more Load PDF Content №01 №01 2017 Cast iron products after rehabilitation works are operated for a long period of time Risks of innovative projects, their prevention and compensation And more Load PDF Content